November 15th, 2023
Jimmy Thompson
[email protected]

Concord, NH – Today, the New Hampshire Secretary of State announced Tuesday, January 23rd, 2024 as the First In The Nation Presidential Primary date. Chris Ager, Chairman of the New Hampshire Republican Party, released the following statement: 
“The notable absence of Joe Biden in our First In the Nation tradition is a slap in the face to all Granite Staters. 
The New Hampshire primary, a time-honored tradition in American politics, has served as a crucial proving ground for all who wish a term in the nation’s top job. This year, Joe Biden refused to campaign with the people of New Hampshire. Why? 
He cannot answer for the hardships his policies have caused on Granite Staters. 
Joe Biden has been the worst President in modern times. He has projected weakness on the global stage and sent our families into an unprecedented downward economic spiral. Our borders are not secure, cities are flush with crime, and pocketbooks are empty. Families struggle to afford groceries, heating bills, and gas to drive their kids to school. This is life under Joe Biden.   
Joe Biden abandoned New Hampshire, and all Granite Staters should be rightfully offended. “


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