Nashua and Statewide Republicans Condemn Democrats’ ‘Shadow Impeachment’ Scheme, Applaud Secretary of State’s Defense of Election Integrity
Nashua, NH – The Nashua Republican City Committee is raising the alarm over what it calls a blatant “shadow impeachment” orchestrated by Democrat officials in Nashua, aiming to strip Republican […]
New Hampshire Deserves a Representative Who Understands Its People – Lily Tang Williams Over Carpetbagger Maggie Goodlander
As the 2024 election approaches, New Hampshire voters are faced with a crucial decision in the second congressional district. The stark contrasts between candidates Maggie Goodlander and Lily Tang Williams […]
Attorney General John Formella to Receive the “Governor Meldrim Thomson Jr. Principle Above Politics Award” at Annual Amos Tuck Dinner
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 16, 2024 CONTACT: [email protected] 603.225.9341 Attorney General John Formella to Receive the “Governor Meldrim Thomson Jr. Principle Above Politics Award” at Annual Amos Tuck Dinner NHGOP […]
Democrats Vote Against Giving EFA Access to Students in Failing Schools
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:February 15, 2024 CONTACT: JR Hoell at [email protected] Concord, NH– NH State Representative JR Hoell (R-Dunbarton) released the following statement after the House defeated HB1677, relative to participation […]
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:November 15th, 2023 CONTACT:Jimmy [email protected] Concord, NH – Today, the New Hampshire Secretary of State announced Tuesday, January 23rd, 2024 as the First In The Nation Presidential Primary […]
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:November 7th, 2023 CONTACT:Jimmy [email protected] Concord, NH – Today, Jay Ruais, a Republican from Manchester, was elected the next mayor of the Queen City; flipping the Mayor’s seat […]
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:September 19th, 2023 CONTACT:Jimmy [email protected] Concord, NH – Chris Ager, Chairman of the New Hampshire Republican Party, released the following statement on tonight’s Manchester Mayoral Primary: “I want to […]
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:August 28th, 2023 CONTACT:Jimmy [email protected] Concord, NH – Chris Ager, Chairman of the NHGOP, released the following statement following concerns of Trump’s ballot access in the State of […]
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:June 30, 2023 CONTACT:Jimmy [email protected] CONCORD, NH- NHGOP Chairman Chris Ager released the following statement regarding failed Manchester Mayor Joyce Craig’s decision to run for Governor of New […]
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:June 30, 2023 CONTACT:Jimmy [email protected] CONCORD, NH- The NHGOP released the following statement regarding Pharma Lobbyist Cinde Warmington’s decision to keep corrupt Sheriff Mark Brave on her campaign […]
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:June 29, 2023 CONTACT:Jimmy [email protected] Concord NH – NHGOP Chairman Chris Ager released an OP-ED in support of the Supreme Court’s decision in the recent Affirmative Action case. By […]
NHGOP Chairman – Child Predators are Not the Backbone of The Granite State
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:June 26, 2023 CONTACT:Jimmy [email protected] CONCORD, NH- Chris Ager, NHGOP Chairman, released the following statement regarding the arrest and subsequent charges against former Democrat State Representative Stacie Laughton: […]
NHGOP Statement on Cinde Warmington Announcing Run for Governor
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:June 1, 2023CONTACT:Jimmy [email protected] Concord, NH – Today, NHGOP Chairman Chris Ager, released the following statement in regard to Cinde Warmington’s Gubernatorial Campaign launch: “Under Governor Sununu and […]
Joe Biden Embarrassed to Visit NH
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:May 23, 2023CONTACT:Jimmy [email protected] Concord, NH – Today, New Hampshire Republican Party Chairman Chris Ager released the following statement in response to Congressman Jim Clyburn’s (D-SC) comments on […]
NHGOP Statement Supporting SB 272
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:May 17, 2023CONTACT:Chris [email protected] The New Hampshire Republican Party stands behind SB 272 and thanks all of the legislators that put this great piece of legislation together. SB […]
Crissy Kantor elected Alderman in Manchester Ward 6 Special Election
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:May 10, 2023CONTACT:Chris [email protected] Manchester, NH – Chill Spa owner Crissy Kantor was elected Alderman in yesterdays Manchester Ward 6 special election. Her landslide victory demonstrates that Queen […]
NHGOP Statement on Joyce Craig Announcing Exploratory Campaign for Governor
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:May 1, 2023CONTACT:Chris [email protected] Concord, NH – NHGOP Chairman Chris Ager released the following statement following Manchester Mayor Joyce Craig’s announcement that she will be exploring a run […]
Speaker Packard to be honored with “The Governor Meldrim Thomson Jr. Principle Above Politics Award”
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:April 7, 2023 Concord, NH: NHGOP Chairman Chris Ager released the following statement announcing that House Speaker Sherman Packard of Londonderry will be the recipient of this years […]
Chairman Ager Congratulates House on Budget Passage
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:April 6, 2023CONTACT:Chris [email protected] NHGOP Chairman Chris Ager released the following statement after the passage of House Bill 1 & and House Bill 2, the budget, on a […]
Hon. Bill O’Brien Appointed RNC National Committeeman
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:March 23, 2023CONTACT:Chris [email protected] Concord, NH – On Monday, March 20th the Executive Committee of the New Hampshire Republican State Committee voted to confirm the appointment of the […]
House and Senate Republicans Defend Parents’ Rights
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:March 7, 2023CONTACT:Chris [email protected] Concord, NH- House and Senate Republicans Defend Parents’ Rights in Concord with two Parental Rights bills. New Hampshire Republicans stand firmly with Granite State […]
Republicans Appalled at Democrat Attempts to Strip EFA’s from Students, Applaud Efforts to Expand Program
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:February 15, 2023CONTACT:Chris [email protected] Concord, NH – House Democrats unconscionably voted in lockstep to force Education Freedom Account (EFA) students back into schools that weren’t meeting their needs, […]
Steve Marchand Continues NH Dems’ Unethical Campaign Pattern
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:October 26th, 2022 CONTACT:Mackenzie [email protected] Concord, NH – NHGOP Chairman Stephen Stepanek released the following statement on Steve Marchand’s unethical campaign strategies: “Former Portsmouth mayor and failed candidate for […]
Senator Hassan’s Voting Record to Keep an Open Border
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:November 1st, 2022 CONTACT:Mackenzie [email protected] Concord, NH – The NHGOP released the following statement in regard to Senator Hassan’s ongoing voting record to keep an open border: “It must […]
NH Dems Chairman Ray Buckley Thinks Parents Should NOT Be Involved in Their Child’s Education
Concord, NH -NHGOP Chairman Stephen Stepanek released the following statement on NHDems’ and NHDems Chairman Ray Buckley’s stance on parental involvement in education. “NH Democratic Chairman Ray Buckley made it clear […]
NHGOP Statement on Filing of FEC Complaint Against Illegal Democratic Mailers
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:September 28th, 2022CONTACT:Mackenzie [email protected] Concord, NH – Last night WMUR broke the news that the New Hampshire Republican Party filed a formal complaint with the Federal Elections Commission against a […]
NHGOP Calls on Melanie Levesque to Denounce Her Inappropriate Digital Campaign
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:September 28th, 2022 CONTACT:Mackenzie [email protected] Concord, NH -Today the NHGOP called on Democratic State Senate candidate Melanie Levesque to denounce the inappropriate digital campaign focused on her opponent, […]
Chairman Stepanek Statement on NH Primary and Republican Nominees
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:September 14th, 2022 CONTACT:Mackenzie Rohde 201-270-8574 [email protected] Concord, NH –Statement from Chairman Stephen Stepanek on NH Primary and Republican Nominees. “I’d like to congratulate all of our Republican nominees, Governor […]
Rep. Tony Labranche Abandons NH Democratic Party
ICYMI: Representative Tony Labranche (Hillsborough-22) abandoned the New Hampshire Democrat Party to become a registered Independent. Representative Labranche cited “undemocratic” behavior and lack of support from NHDP Chair Raymond Buckley as reasoning […]
SCOTUS Rejects Biden Admin’s ‘Ultimate Work Around’ Vaccine Mandate
Concord, NH – NHGOP Chairman Stephen Stepanek released the following statement following Supreme Court’s ruling to reject President Biden’s Vaccine Mandate: “The decision to block the Biden Administration’s vaccine mandate is terrific […]
Does the NH Democrat Party Stand with Chamath Palihapitiya on Human Rights ?
Concord, NH – NHGOP Chairman Stephen Stepanek released the following statement following NH Dem donor and billionaire, Chamath Palihapitiya’s statement on human rights abuses against the Uyghurs in China: “While New Hampshire Democrats claim to […]
Carve Out States Unite to Support Current GOP Presidential Nominating Calendar
Concord, NH – NHGOP Chairman Stephen Stepanek released the following statement regarding the strong support received at the Republican National Committee’s Summer Meeting concerning America’s primary calendar: “We had a […]

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