
Governor Sununu’s State of the State Address

Concord, NH– House Majority Leader Jason Osborne (R-Auburn) released the following statement in response to Governor Sununu’s State of the State Address.

“It is evident that through fiscally responsible governing and being good stewards of taxpayer money, we can ensure success. New Hampshire is consistently ranked as #1 in a treasure trove of categories while eliminating the Interest and Dividends Tax and continuing the streak of eight years with no tax increases.”

“I am extremely proud of the fact that New Hampshire’s Education Freedom Account program is rated as the most effective and popular education choice program in the country and I thank the Governor for emphasizing his support for HB1665 to raise the cap on the EFA program from 350% of the federal poverty guideline to 500%. Our constituents are clear that they want and need more options to educate their children, and this bill will allow even more Granite Staters to take advantage of the wildly successful program.”

“As the governor said, we cannot take our successes for granted. We must continue to fight for our ‘Live Free or Die’ principles, stick to our campaign promises, and ensure taxpayer money stays where it belongs: peoples’ pockets.”


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