New Hampshire Democrats Spin Lies About New Hampshire Vaccination Plans

Concord, NH – NHGOP Chairman Stephen Stepanek released the following statement regarding a ridiculous statement from New Hampshire Democrats about New Hampshire’s plans to expand vaccine rates: 

“What a ridiculous lie from Chairman Buckley and the New Hampshire Democrats,” said NHGOP Chairman Stephen Stepanek. “Democrat Executive Councilor Cinde Warmington was the only vote against increasing our state’s vaccination rate through expanded PSAs featuring medical experts at the August 18th Executive Council meeting. To say New Hampshire doesn’t have a plan to increase vaccinations is a despicable lie – New Hampshire Democrats have obstructed the state’s efforts nearly every step along the way. Under Governor Chris Sununu’s leadership New Hampshire has a high vaccination rate and we continue to get more Granite Staters vaccinated as we continue to combat COVID-19.”

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