FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 28th, 2022 CONTACT: Mackenzie Rohde [email protected] 201-270-8574 |
Concord, NH -Today the NHGOP called on Democratic State Senate candidate Melanie Levesque to denounce the inappropriate digital campaign focused on her opponent, Senator Kevin Avard, being run by another former Democratic State Senate candidate, John Swan. Swan’s anti-Avard campaign utilized images of Avard’s grandchildren and other inappropriate material.
Stephen Stepanek’s statement:
“These kinds of tactics simply have no place in New Hampshire Politics. Using images of an elected officials’ young grandchildren is way beyond the line of decency. Melanie Levesque needs to immediately denounce this campaign and State Democrats need to ask Jon Swan to cease this offensive campaign at once.”
Senator Jeb Bradley’s statement:
“There are lines that you simply do not cross, even in highly contentious campaigns. Mr. Swan crossed that line with this attack campaign. Whether or not this attack campaign was sanctioned by the Levesque campaign or the State Democratic Party, I am asking them to join us in calling for it to be taken down. Attacks using a candidates family, especially very young children, are not ever acceptable.”
Melanie Levesque is challenging Kevin Avard for the NH State Senate in District 12. Jon Swan was briefly a Democratic candidate for State Senate in District 1.
For media purposes:
Melanie Levesque’s digital campaign: