Joe Biden Embarrassed to Visit NH

May 23, 2023
Jimmy Thompson
[email protected]

Concord, NH – Today, New Hampshire Republican Party Chairman Chris Ager released the following statement in response to Congressman Jim Clyburn’s (D-SC) comments on the DNC stripping New Hampshire’s First-In-The-Nation status:

“Congressman Clyburn is saying the quiet part out loud – Democrats would rather protect Joe Biden than compete in our First-In-The-Nation Presidential Primary.

New Hampshire’s tradition of going first has stood the test of time because of staunch defenders on both sides of the aisle. Granite Staters expect candidates to come to our state and work hard. Votes have to be earned in Diners and VFW halls and candidates need to answer the tough questions. Joe Biden refuses to defend his record to the grassroots voters, and has abandoned New Hampshire.”


WMUR: Democrat congressman says ending New Hampshire primary tradition is about ‘avoiding embarrassment’ for Biden

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