March 23, 2023
Chris Ager
[email protected]
Concord, NH – On Monday, March 20th the Executive Committee of the New Hampshire Republican State Committee voted to confirm the appointment of the Hon. William O’Brien to serve as the RNC National Committeeman for New Hampshire.
In response to the appointment Chairman Chris Ager said “I am excited to welcome Bill to the NHGOP leadership team. Bill has been a staunch fighter for conservative principals and served our state with distinction during his esteemed career in the State House of Representatives.”
Chairman Ager continued “Bill has always been a tremendous supporter of the NHGOP never shying away from offering his talents to support our efforts.”
Upon accepting the role Committeeman O’Brien said “I look forward to working with the leadership of the NHGOP and others from across the political spectrum as we protect our First in the Nation Primary tradition. It is my role to work with my Republican colleagues from across the country to ensure that NH is and will always will be the First in the Nation Primary state.”
Committeeman O’Brien resides in Nashua with Roxanne his wife of more than 45 years. Bill is a past member of the NH State House of Representatives and served as Speaker during the 2011-2012 legislative session. Bill is a business owner in the technology sector and is also an attorney.